Workshops & Webinars
Our Workshops & Webinars offer CEU and Pesticide credits, maximum number of participants is fifteen (15), and the length of time varies from 30 minutes to 5 hours. Our speakers have over 35 years combined experience in TGRs and Utility Maintenance Improvements.
Save money & time, ask for a workshop converted into a Webinar.
Reducing Labor & Product Costs by Modifying the Traditional Soil Application Model and by Using Tree Growth Regulators (1 hr)
Useful for Arborist/Commercial/Landscape/Municipal/Utility
The presentation will provide practical information to utilize in the field for municipal & commercial arborists, landscape maintenance professionals, and vegetation managers. Implementing a different approach to soil-applied Plant Health Care products, such as bio-nutrients and fertilizers and integrating TGRs into your management plan can create more time for other projects, use less product (reduce costs), become more productive, and make your applications more effective. Learn how to achieve more “elbow space” during this time of reduced budgets and economic difficulty.
Using ShortStop TGR (Paclobutrazol) for Tree Establishment and with Newly Planted/Transplanted Trees (45 min)
Useful for Arborist/Commercial/Landscape/Municipal
The best way to ensure your investment in the planting and maintenance of trees is to utilize ShortStop TGR. ShortStop Tree Growth Regulator enhances the tree’s ability to survive the establishment phase and promotes the growth of root hairs. Other benefits from the application of TGRs include aiding the tree in drought conditions and construction damage.
Myth Busters for Tree Growth Regulators (1 hr)
Useful for Arborist/Commercial/Landscape
Arborists use tree growth regulators as a cornerstone tool in their Plant Health Care program to improve a tree’s ability to survive urban stresses for their clients. Information about TGRs has flooded the market, but not everything presented has been clear, straightforward, or correct. This presentation will help by sifting through the information, identifying the myths and inconsistencies, while at the same time discuss updated rates for trees and applications for woody shrubs. The topics included in this discussion are 1.) TGR basics 2.) physiological changes resulting from TGR applications 3.) benefits to trees. As the discussion begins each area, any topical misunderstandings (myths) are addressed and explained. Some examples of TGR myths (misunderstandings) are utility versus arborist rates and chlorosis therapy. This discussion is for both veteran TGR applicators and arborists new to TGRs.
Application of Tree Growth Regulators (30 min)
Useful for Arborist/Commercial/Landscape/Municipal/Utility
Short’n’Sweet. The bulk of the program will concentrate on the specifics of basal drench/soil injection application. This program briefly describes how the trees physiology is controlled, how to integrate growth regulators into a program, and timing for application effectiveness.
Chainsaw Safety (1.5-2 hrs)
Useful for Arborist/Commercial/Landscape/Municipal/Utility
Working in and around trees can be a very hazardous profession if proper care and safety measures are not followed. Safety is more than using special equipment, wearing appropriate gear, or attending occasional meetings. It is an attitude. The program discusses Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), specifics on proper use of chainsaw, effects from tension wood vs. compression wood, and correct pruning cuts.
Integration of Growth Regulators into a Right Of Way Maintenance Program (1 hr)
Useful for Municipal/Utility
The program will concentrate on how to extend the time between trimming cycles and how to integrate growth regulators into a maintenance program. Development of Long Term Management Planning will be discussed for overall cost reduction and improved reliability. The timing for application effectiveness and the process for identifying the areas that would benefit using growth regulators will be addressed. The application process, mode of operation and how the trees physiology is controlled during regulation will be briefly described in the introduction.
Building a Successful ROW Management Program from the Bottom Up, Parts I & II (2 hrs)
Useful for Municipal/Utility
The Presentation will discuss the six (6) essential parts of an effective Right-Of-Way maintenance plan; Aggressive Tree Removal, Proper Pruning, Specialized Equipment Use, Consistent Herbicide Application, Targeted TGR Use, and Communication of Expectations. Each part will be addressed in depth and examples will be given to demonstrate ways to incorporate them into other’s programs.
Effective Trimming for Line Clearance (5 hrs)
Useful for Municipal/Utility
This program is the nuts’n’bolts of trimming trees to facilitate the most effective results. The hands-on approach will demonstrate proper trimming techniques to redirect tree growth. Identification of growth rates for the most common trees and how to use these rates with proper trimming techniques for line clearance. Tree physiology will only briefly be addressed to aid in understanding tree growth patterns and to describe how to extend the time between trimmings by integrating growth regulators into a maintenance program.
Using Tree Growth Regulators: Additional Client Service + Additional Income Source…It All Adds Up (1 hr)
Useful for Arborist/Commercial/Landscape/Municipal
The Webinar discusses details about how to promote client services using the resulting benefits to trees following TGR treatments as a guide. Included in the discussion are rate identification, specialized application methodology, chlorosis remediation, volume determination, and cost calculations, length of control, and proper rates for woody shrubs.
Steps to Proper Applications & Ways to Promote Tree Growth Regulators (1 hr)
Useful for Arborist/Commercial/Landscape
The steps for TGR Applications, soil drench & injection will be described in detail and problem-solution issues will be addressed. Ways to promote TGRs by utilizing the physiological benefits for trees following Tree Growth Regulator Applications will be listed